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Policy library

ICM Mental Health Framework

ICM prioritizes the mental health of its students, staff, and instructors. The Mental Health Framework outlines how mental health is interwoven into our policies, practices, and all aspects of the student experience. Within this framework document, students and staff can find supports and resources that may be helpful.

Privacy Act

ICM is bound by the Government of Canada’s Privacy Act, which regulates the way private sector organizations collect, use, and disclose personal information.

Privacy Policy for the International College of Manitoba 

Code of conduct

As an ICM student, you have the right to be treated with respect and courtesy by ICM staff and fellow students, in an environment that is free from harassment and conducive to learning.

While at ICM, you are expected to abide by our Code of Conduct by accepting responsibility for your behaviour, always conducting yourself in a professional manner and treating fellow students and staff with respect, honesty, and courtesy.

Grievance procedures, appeals or complaints

Policies and procedures are in place at ICM to deal with student complaints, grievances and appeals in a constructive and timely manner. Independent dispute resolution is available if you feel that a grievance has not been resolved satisfactorily.

Access and equity

ICM is committed to providing equal opportunity to you and all students to ensure no student who has met the specified academic and English language entry requirements is denied access to a program and that no student, once enrolled in a course, is disadvantaged.

Disability support

Both academic and administrative staff at ICM, take responsibility for ensuring students with disabilities are treated with dignity and courtesy and given every opportunity to reach their full educational potential.

ICM is committed to providing equal opportunities to students with disabilities and promotes strategies to develop a flexible teaching and learning environment that meets the needs of a diverse range of students.

To assess any support services required for the academic program you want to attend, ICM encourages you to provide information regarding the nature of your disability and any special needs you may have during the application and enrolment processes. ICM is always available to assist you to succeed in your chosen program of study.

It is important that you advise your academic advisor of your disability as early as possible so arrangements can be made, and you are in the best position to enjoy your experience at ICM.

Modern slavery information for students

Young people, including students, are at a higher risk of experiencing modern slavery. It is important to stay informed and be aware of the signs of modern slavery or human trafficking, and to know where you can get help if you or someone you know is at risk.

To learn more about modern slavery and international students, visit the Navitas Human Rights and Modern Slavery page.

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